I am on the road again… onto Security BsidesSF and then to the RSA confernece (also in SF). I will try my best to keep a daily blogroll of what I have seen, talks I have been to, and for the fun had by all. In addition to the conference, I hope to hit up Krav Maga SF to train (or at least by a shirt but I did pack training gear).
If BsidesSF is anything like BsidesDE I look forward to the excellent talks and chatting with old friends. Its been years since my last RSA conference and I look forward to all the tracks (seems to have a good representation of stuff that interests me), but I also look forward to meeting with vendors. Yes, I like chatting with the folks at the booth (and no not the booth babes although I will look) – the way I see it it is an easy way get info on the new products/solutions without being overwhelmed with “when you going to buy crap”.
If there is anything you want to know more about and weren’t unable to make it out just drop me a comment and I will see if I can gather info for you.