A little delay in production as we try to work through some “static” issues – episode 16 was unsalvageable due to static (nothing changed in our set-up but got a lot of static/feedback on 16). We are looking into possibly transcribing that show so you don’t miss it. Until then please enjoy Espidode 17 “Yottabyte – yo thats a lot of data”
Welcome to the SecureMaryland Podcast Episode 17 “Yottabyte – yo thats a lot of data” recorded on Thursday, April 19th. SecureMaryland is part of The Cast Cast network. For show notes, visit www.thecastcast.com
A very big thanks to SmartLogic Solutions for making this possible. Visit www.smartlogicsolutions.com for more information.
- The Avengers opens May 4th, if you are listening to this local to the Maryland area we invite you to join us at the midnight showing – details to come soon.
- “Post a day in May” – A post, podcast or otherwise, or tweet everyday for the month of May.
Our Hosts are:
- Raymond Gabler: Overall tech geek with over 15 years of experience in the Information Security/Risk Threat management side of IT.
- John Linkous: Vice President, Chief Security and Compliance Officer for eIQ Networks. John brings more than 15 years of technology management and consulting experience specializing in enterprise systems management, information security and regulatory compliance.
- Shawn Grimes from Shawn’s Bits.com . I’ve been a Security Engineer for about the last 10 years and I can be found on twitter at @shawng
- Jon Sawyer – Sr System administrator of 12 years an IOS Developer Mac Developer and a sagittarius twitter @joninthearmy (Jon in the army)
- The new NSA data center -http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/03/ff_nsadatacenter/
some questions I thought would be good for discussion: 1. Why are they allowing the building of this to be so public? 2. What will they actually store there? 3. should we be worried (where is the tinfoil) 3. should other nations be worried? 4. where is the back data center? - There has been some good articles about breaches released recently and would like to discuss them as a group.
- http://www.fireeye.com/resources/pdfs/FireEye_Advanced_Threat_Report_2H2011.pdf
- http://www.troyhunt.com/2012/04/5-interesting-security-trends-from.html
- another similar one (not discussed on the show):http://www.hpenterprisesecurity.com/collateral/report/2011FullYearCyberSecurityRisksReport.pdf
- Given these trends how should, if at all, a corporation change their security posture to protect against them.