I am very happy tonight as I write this post, I learned a few things over the last 24 hours and that my friends is always a good thing. Let me set the backstage a little; as you know I have been playing around with my pwnpad (and still loving it but it is taking away from all the other things I want to do this month) and the other day I installed Recon-NG. Without going into too many details about Recon-NG, as I am sure I won’t do it justice, I will simply say that it is one of my favorite information gathering tools. Surprisingly it did not come on the pwnpad so I was off to the installation process…. and yes the installation was easy since Recon-NG is python based I simply had to download it and run it (can’t get easier than that). This may have been enough for most folks but not for me, I wanted to make an android application that, much like the pwnie apps, would launch the tool with the click of a button (ok actually with the launching of an app but you know what I mean); but here was my dilemma: I have scripted before (command line stuff in DOS, Powershell, and BASH) but I never programmed anything let alone an android app. So I started digging around. I must say I thought it would take a really long time to figure out but it didn’t. Not because I am super smart (ok I am) but because the process was relatively simple; in fact it was only about 15 lines of codes which includes the imports. I did hit a snag, code looked good but it kept crashing, I solicited some help (which just confirmed everything looked good) but no dice. So I decided to deep six it and try again – BINGO everything worked great. I suspect that I had a hidden typo on the first try as I did everything the same. So now I am a android app guru – or at least that is what I will add to my resume (just kidding). While far from that I am happy I have done something today that I haven’t done before.
Next app I am going to try: ScanMe – auto launching Nmap with some default parameters on the network segment of a given adaptor. Basically a one click mmap scan.