Job Hunting?

I know you may already be aware of this but if you are local to the MD/DC area and are currently in the process of trying to find a job the TechExpo Cyber Security Job Fair is tomorrow (April 30th, 2013) at the Sheraton Columbia Center. Unlike most tech expos that require clearances this one only requires that you be a Cyber Security or IT professional – which most folks in IT could meet. Looking at the vendors, and the jobs they have listed, I am not so sure how good of a job fair this will be but it is a good chance to get your foot in the door and at least mingle/network with companies in the local area. Also, if you are just starting out, like a lot of the students I teach at HCC, they do have a resume/interview critique “booth” to help you streamline your resume to the popular Cyber Security offerings which should be your first stop.

Find out more here:

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