
I have been updating my usb rubberducky recently and leveraging a lot of good power shell scripts from the community. I am the type of person that likes to understand what is going on in a script so as part of payload creation/translations so I have been ramping up on power shell. Today I wanted […]

Unal{0}cated – Gets introduced to DuckSauce

I had the luxury of intorducing DuckSauce v.01 at Unall{0}cated’s August mini-con. I was gald to see that several members of the auidence had brought their ducks to play around with – made for some good demos.  For those of you in attendence, I left forgottensec a zip of most current version of DuckSauce- v.01 […]

Mobile Password

Before I get bashed for posting this, I fully understand the importance of constructing a strong password and how expiring passwords on a regular basis plays into it. However, on a mobile device I find the need to do a password reset every 30/60/90 (pick the corporate policy) days overkill. That should read a huge […]

Importance of Training

Mark Borinsky, a fellow member The Ethical Hackers Club (TEHC), a  local Maryland Meetup group, wrote the following article that I wanted to share. Please see the news section for more information on Mark. Computer Security: Importance of Training Employees need to be educated and to be aware of their specific cybersecurity responsibilities. They should […]

Exploit exercises

For all of those interested in taking their “hacking” to new heights check out www.exploit-exercises.com and start playing around. I personally haven’t downloaded them yet (although I will soon and provide comments as needed) but have heard a lot of good things about them. A couple of tips as you work your way through the […]

TEHC -August Meetup

Thanks everyone who came out to the August TEHC (The Ethical Hackers Club). I enjoyed showing off the rubberducky and duck sauce v.01. I have plans on making duck sauce a valuable part of anyone who does “hacking” via HIDs tool bag. For those interested in the getting the files please read my June post announcing the Sauce […]

Top 5 ways to tell you are not at any of thee Vegas Cons

Thought I would share some humor today as I sit here reading about how good BsidesLV, BH, and Defcon are going to help take away the pain/sadness of not being there. Here are the top 5 ways to tell you aren’t in Vegas: 1. You get up at 7am instead of going to bed at 7am. 2. […]

Online accounts – change your passwords

There has been a lot of news recently concerning breaches exposing online credentials (LinkedIn, Yahoo voice, Android fourms, Yale, to name a few). Many of my friends have been asking me what should I do?  Well, being in security, I think the answer is simple – treat your password like your underwear – Change them […]

Off Air -for now we will be back!

Miss our sexy voices? Our illogical logic? Our “geeky” rants? Our infinite wisdom? If you answered yes to any of these questions it is likely that you are missing our podcasts.  Well without making excuses – we have been a victim of summer time vactions/activities that have been monoploising a lot of our time (unfortunately […]