Phishing as a Service

Social engineering, and more specifically phishing attacks, continue to be a major attack vector utilized by malicious actors in their attempts to exploit and exfiltrate data out of their targets. Security experts agree the best way to combat phishing attacks is to implement a security awareness and education program that not only trains end users on phishing, but actively tests them by using simulated attacks that mirror real world phishing campaigns.

"How does PHaaS differ from us running a program ourselves?" This is the most common question asked by clients. The answer is simple - RGS' Phishing as a Service (PHaaS) takes the complexity out of the equation by allowing our clients to regularly test their user base without the need: of setting up a testing environment, to hire phishing experts, or to write detailed reports. Our PHaaS offering includes:

  • 100's of phishing templates to mimic real email messages
  • Ability to customize templates based on our client's needs
  • Detailed reports delivered immediately following all campaigns
  • Phishing training and education for users who fail the campaign

With RGS' PHaaS, we have brought the "point in time" testing to the next level. Tests can be scheduled on a weekly or monthly basis to give our clients a more focused lens into the performance of their users. Additionally, these ongoing tests help our clients:

  • Track what users received the email, took action (opened attachment, clicked link, etc.)
  • Identify repeat offenders - those user that failed more than one campaign
  • Provide phishing/security awareness training for users who fail the campaign
  • Determine if users exposed sensitive data (e.g. credentials)

Let our phishing experts handle your phishing/awareness needs. For more information on how our PHaaS offering can help protect your organization please contact us at info[at]

A full overview of our services can be found here.